
This is a collection of tweets I've enjoyed. I use Twitter quite a bit, so I wanted a place to publically share what inspires me, makes me laugh, and makes me think.

Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.
Everyone wants to be brave. Very few of us want to feel vulnerable. There is no courage without uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure. Brave is vulnerable. Embrace the suck.
The best résumés fit in a tweet.
The world is now permissionless. No one can stop you from creating a podcast, publishing a newsletter, or creating a project. The only permission you need is your own.
Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration.
I no longer have a manager. I can't be managed
Being honest is a better marketing strategy than a marketing strategy
Prediction: The best indie hacker companies in 2021 will be building tools and platforms to support the creator economy — the millions of people moving online to make a living from writing, videos, podcasting, teaching, etc.
Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.
Want to learn design, product development, sales, customer support, marketing, recruiting, finance, legal, and operations? Start a company.
At some point I made the decision to focus on foundational concepts; not features of a particular implementation; my tech career took off.
You can attract luck simply by sharing your work publicly.
Nobody ever got fired for picking Next.js
Numbers every frontend developer should aim for: 16ms: refresh animation frame without jank 100ms: UI updates perceived as instant 1s: App/site load time 3s: Hold attention long enough to prevent Alt-Tabbing to see what’s on Reddit