
I've been writing online since 2014, mostly about web development and tech careers. In total, I've written 64 articles on this site. Use the search below to filter by title.

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Everything I Know About Style Guides, Design Systems, and Component Libraries

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A deep-dive on everything I've learned in the past year building style guides, design systems, component libraries, and their best practices.

How Stripe Designs Beautiful Websites

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Examining the tips and tricks used to make Stripe's website design a notch above the rest.

Creating a Monorepo with Lerna & Yarn Workspaces

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In this guide, you will learn how to create a Monorepo to manage multiple packages with a shared build, test, and release process.

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Switching to Tailwind CSS

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Learn why I switched my Next.js blog to use Tailwind CSS and how it impacted performance.

How Should I Style My React Application?

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Learn how CSS has evolved and explore pros and cons of different styling solutions for React.

Authentication Patterns for Next.js

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Learn how to add authentication with Next.js. The guide covers custom React Hooks, protecting routes and redirecting on the server, and includes a variety of examples.

Which Back End Should I Use As A Front-End Developer?

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Choosing a service to store data can be confusing and overwhelming for a front-end developer. This comprehensive guide is a choose your own adventure dive into creating your backend.

Using the Spotify API with Next.js

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Learn how to authenticate with the Spotify API to fetch your top tracks in a Next.js API route.

How I Turned an Idea into $7K by Teaching Online

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Six months ago, I had an idea for an online course. Today, I've taught students all over the world and made over $7,000 teaching online.

Gumroad API with Node.js

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The missing documentation for making requests to the Gumroad API from Node.js.

Static Sites with Next.js 9.3 and Prisma

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Learn how to build & deploy a static site using Next.js, Prisma, and a SQLite database.

Improving My Next.js MDX Blog

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I revamped my personal site, adding a variety of improvements for the ideal Next.js + MDX blogging experience.

Create a Dynamic Sitemap with Next.js

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Learn how to add a dynamic sitemap to your Next.js project, along with a robots.txt file for optimal SEO.

Create a Dashboard with Next.js API Routes - Fetching Data with SWR

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Learn how to fetch data with SWR, a React Hooks library which improves the developer experience of retrieving data.

Create a Dashboard with Next.js API Routes - Google Analytics API

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Learn how to use Next.js API routes to integrate with the Google Analytics API and retrieve statistics about a site.

Iowa Caucuses Should Not Have Used An App

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Four days later, the Iowa Caucuses have finally finished. Yet, we're just now seeing the results. What the hell happened?

How To Use Encrypted Secrets With Vercel

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Learn how to encrypt secrets to workaround Vercel's 4kb max limit for environment variables.

Create a Dashboard with Next.js API Routes - YouTube API

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Learn how to use Next.js API routes to integrate with the YouTube API and retrieve statistics about a channel.

Create a Dashboard with Next.js API Routes - Unsplash API

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Learn how to use Next.js API routes to integrate with the Unsplash API and retrieve statistics about a user.

You Don't Need A Two-Page Resume

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Want a better programming resume? Limit it to a single page. See how my resume has transformed over the past five years with some actionable advice.

2019 Year in Review

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Highlights and reflections on 2019 and a look forward to 2020.

Next.js vs. Gatsby vs. Create React App

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Which is the best for building React applications? Explore the pros and cons for all three options to make the right choice.

Create A Newsletter with Next.js API Routes and Mailchimp

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Learn how to integrate Next.js and React with Mailchimp to build a newsletter subscription form.

Why Should You Learn Next.js?

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Understand the growth behind JavaScript's hottest web framework and learn why Next.js can help you build web applications faster.

GraphQL at Hy-Vee

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Learn about how we've adopted GraphQL at Hy-Vee to improve developer efficiency and enhance our user experience.

Backpacking Italy

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My recap of 10 days backpacking across Italy - Venice, Cinque Terre, and the Almafi Coast.

Why I Switched From CircleCI to GitHub Actions

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Can GitHub Actions relace CircleCI entirely? Find out why I decided to switch CI/CD providers to GitHub Actions.

Real-Time Blog Post Views With Next.js and Firebase

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Want more accurate page view counts? Learn how to track real-time post views using Firebase and Next.js.

Everything I Know About Style Guides, Design Systems, and Component Libraries

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A deep-dive on everything I've learned in the past year building style guides, design systems, component libraries, and their best practices.

Going Serverless with Next.js and Firebase

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Learn how to build a serverless application with Next.js, Firebase, Cloud Firestore, and easily deploy it with Vercel.

Want to Become a Better Developer? Here's How

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Five simple things you can do to separate yourself from your peers and become the best developer.

How To Fix Technical Recruiting

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Learn how to place engineers in this competitive market from a 45-minute keynote speech given at Talent42 in Seattle.

How To Print in React Using Iframes

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Learn how to use iframes to print React components while only printing what's necessary.

Configuring Sentry for Next.js Apps

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Learn how to set up Sentry to capture client-side and server-side exceptions for Next.js applications.

Stop Wasting Your Time

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Studies show happiness is correlated to the amount of free time we have. So why is everyone always busy?

Creating a Monorepo with Lerna & Yarn Workspaces

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In this guide, you will learn how to create a Monorepo to manage multiple packages with a shared build, test, and release process.

Purpose-Driven Work

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We spend ~13 years of our life at work, so it's pretty important we enjoy what we're doing and that it connects with our core values. How can you find purpose-driven work?

Technical Recruiting is Broken

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Why is there so much recruiter spam? What can we do to fix technical recruiting?

Things I've Learned Building Next.js Apps

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CSS-in-JS, Font Loading, Polyfills, Dynamic Imports, MDX, and more!

Building a UI Component Library with Styled Components

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At Hy-Vee, we reached a point where we were spinning up new teams extremely quickly and needed to maintain consistency across products.

Benefits I Care About in 2019

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Should you care about game rooms and beer on tap? How important is working remotely and a flexible schedule? I give my take on what benefits are important to me in 2019.

Using Mapbox with Next.js (Instead of Google Maps)

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Learn how to use Mapbox with Next.js to create a non-SSR map component that is free up to 50,000 map views per month.

Why I Create Open-Source Software

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Creating open-source software makes me happy. It’s an opportunity for me to showcase my programming skills and gain experience with new languages and frameworks.

Joining Hy-Vee

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Starting the next chapter of my career.

Build vs. Buy

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What decisions go into evaluating software solutions?

My Essential Software/Hardware List

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Exploring the tools I use daily for work and personal use.

Optimizing My Digital Content Consumption

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Using RSS to aggregate and simplify how I consume media.

Analyzing 10+ Years of My Facebook Data

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Which year was I the most active? Who has commented on my pictures the most? How many songs have I streamed?

Unplanned Road Trips & Expectations

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Learning to say yes to the unexpected and embracing change.

The Search for Everything

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Leaving my comfort zone and working remotely in Bali, Indonesia.

Using Content Marketing to Build Your Personal Brand

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How to transform your online presence, drive more traffic to your website, and sell yourself.

How Stripe Designs Beautiful Websites

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Examining the tips and tricks used to make Stripe's website design a notch above the rest.

Getting Started with Dart & React

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Building a todo list from start to finish.

Creating a Loading Placeholder with Sass

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Using animation to simulate loading text content.

Learning CSS Animations by Example

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A quick tutorial for making a logo swirl.

Building My First Electron App

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Learn how I created a simple application to convert and download YouTube videos as MP3s.

Calibrate San Francisco

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What I learned from this engineering management conference.

Migrating to Hugo

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Why I chose this static site generator and the benefits you can receive.

Life at Workiva

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Learn what exactly my job looks like on a daily basis.

10 Days in Norway

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Visualize my journey through the scenic lands of Norway with rich, stunning pictures and daily travel logs.

Beginner’s Guide to the Programming Portfolio

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Learn how to create your programming portfolio from the ground up, including tips and tricks I learned building my own.

My Life Behind the Lens

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Learn how I got into videography and where I'm headed next.

What I’ve Learned From 4 (or 5) Years of College

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Reflections on my college years and advice I wish I knew from the start.

Harnessing the Google, Yelp, and Foursquare APIs with Python

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A simple Python program to retrieve relevant data.

The 10 Best Bars in Des Moines

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Using data to determine where to drink.

From Zero Programming Experience to Three Internships

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How I preserved through college and got the job of my dreams.

Creating a Space Invaders Clone with Python

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Utilizing Python and PyGame to revive a classic.